Monday, February 5, 2007


I read an interesting article on the benefits of yoga today. Yoga feels like a treat to me - it is my reward for doing all my other workouts. Because I view it that way, it is the workout that I am most likely to skip when I get "too busy" and the workout I have considered sacrificing in order to get more cycling and swimming in.

The following is from a newsletter by Graeme Street, CEO of Cyclo-Core :

"Don't be afraid of yoga! Ask any of my customers that use it and they'll tell you that it's their secret weapon. See ya later sore knees & hips!"

He goes into more detail related to his programs, but overall his recommendation is to do more yoga to improve flexibility and supporting muscle strength. I have his CYCLO-ZEN program, and the yoga workouts incorporate many of the same positions that I do in my class at the Y.

So I guess the message is... keep yoga!!! Yeah!

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