Sunday, February 18, 2007

Back at It!

My daughter was well enough today to attend the circus with my son, sister and brother-in-law who were kind enough to invite them. They made a whole afternoon out of it, including lunch and an early arrival to tour the big top. No one has ever done that for us before, and it was quite lovely. The kids had a total blast, returning home with huge hats, stuffed tigers, and left over cotton candy.

I used the time wisely. Instead of running this morning and swimming tonight, which would have meant that I would have barely seen my kids all day, I went to the Y while they were at the circus. I ran 5 miles through the surrounding neighborhoods and had the opportunity to push myself since I was solo. It wasn't fun, but I managed to grind out an average pace of 8:46 minutes/mile. I really wanted sub-9 so I was pleased. Then I took my time stretching, changed into my bathing suit, and swam some laps. I found a Master's swim bulletin board with copies of previous workouts, so I took one to my lap lane and swam the easiest of the three workouts listed, which was 2000 meters. I missed Som and the TriGirls of course, but it was worth it to hang with my babies tonight.

My daughter's fever spiked again tonight, poor baby. Tomorrow is a school holiday so hopefully that will give her adequate time to recover. We've got to get the plague out of our house! Come on, spring!!!!

1 comment:

TriGirl 40 said...

Hope your daughter is feeling better soon - lots of nasty germs floating around!