Thursday, February 22, 2007

Kid Humor

If you're reading this blog for exercise statistics or some type of motivation, skip this post because it's about my kids. Actually, if you're reading this blog for impressive exercise statistics or any type of motivation, just skip it altogether and go elsewhere. There are some fabulous links to the right.

I've decided to copy Triathlon Mom yet again and come up with blog nicknames for my kids. Her's are so funny and cute. I was thinking about appropriate names to distract myself during my (painful) run this morning, and I came up with Rainbow for my five year old daughter for a few reasons. She loves them for one thing, and for another she is always the brightest most amazing part of my day. My children are definitely my pot of gold.

For my six year old son, the first thing I thought of was Wildman but that didn't fully capture his personality. I settled on Taz, because he has a kind heart and a sweet disposition paired with more energy than one little being should be entitled to possess. When it's too cold to play outside, I literally build obstacle courses around my house to give him an outlet. They generally include bounces on an exercise trampoline, Nerf jump shots, and cartwheels, and can go on for hours.

Even though he's gotten bigger and has become all sharp elbows and knees, he still loves to sit on my lap and snuggle. He reminds me of our dog, a black lab. An 18 year old black lab I should note, soon to be 19 - she's literally lived twice as long as the average big dog. Anyway, when she was a puppy, I always held her in my lap. As she grew, she didn't realize that an 80 pound dog didn't fit. I will always make sure Taz fits, as long as he wants to try, and I know I will be heartbroken when he doesn't.

So anyway, the point of this whole post is that Rainbow reminded me of a funny Taz story today. He and I were chatting one morning a few months ago, and he said out of the blue that he was going to get married. I asked him why, and he said that he needed to get married to have enough money to buy a house. I pointed out that Uncle Brent isn't married but owns a house, which he pondered briefly, then responded, "Yeah, but Uncle Brent is a fireman. He works a lot and doesn't have time for making out."

To which Uncle Brent responded, "Even Taz knows!"

1 comment:

Jonah Holland said...

Thanks for the shout out....mainly i did the name thing to protect my kids from strangers who figure out who I photos on my site...ok i'm paranoid.
By the way, email Wil (Tracy) she is really nice and will get back to as you may know she did several blog entries and a podcast on our very own Heilbron Rushing-Cooper. Do a seach on her blog and read up!