Saturday, February 24, 2007

Oh No

... it's the flu. Last night and this morning, several people told me that my daughter's symptoms sounded like the flu, so I took my son to the pediatrician this morning... and it is. Yikes.

I'm very irritated that the doctor whom Rainbow saw last Saturday didn't catch it. She could have recovered more quickly with the proper diagnoses and medication, and perhaps the rest of us would have been spared. Now Taz and I both have it. Fortunately, the doctor we saw today wrote prescriptions for both of us and a bonus one for my husband. I'm sure he's next.

I think Taz was giving today's doctor pointers on the side - he prescribed 3 lollipops and told me to chase the Tamiflu with chocolate syrup. Needless to say, Taz wants to change his primary physician to this guy!

So the sofa bed is pulled back out and we are all watching Flushed Away. Well, the kids are. I'm planning to take a nap.

1 comment:

Jonah Holland said...

Soooo, did you all get the flu shot? Just curious. Hope you feel better soon. ..Maybe drink more juice and less beer?