Sunday, February 11, 2007

Valentine Boxes

This weekend, my children needed to make Valentine boxes to take to school on Wednesday. Of course, I hadn't given it a thought until Saturday. I had shoe boxes that they could have used from the winter boots we just purchased, but Mr. Efficiency recycled them already.

What's a mom to do? I had to go shoe shopping of course! My daughter went with me and was very helpful in selecting shoes for us to try on. She was quite a bit annoyed that we went to a store that only carries adult shoes, and she complained not only to me but to the lady who checked us out. I got two cute pair of spring shoes; my kids got their valentine boxes.

Next stop: Valentine cards for their classmates and decorations for their boxes. They had a great time making their boxes - his green, hers pink, both (surprisingly) covered in hearts. She added horses to hers; he added Star Wars figures and a Virginia Tech banner. They also wrote all their cards to their classmates and even made cards for Mommy and Daddy.

Buying two new pair of shoes may sound like a tremendous sacrifice, but that's the kind of awesome mom I am. Always there for my children and ready to put their needs first.


TriGirl 40 said...

I used to love making the Valentine mail boxes with my students when I was a teacher. Thanks for bringing back a sweet memory. Hope your kids end up with special ones, too.

Melissa said...

if you and your daughter ever need a shopping chaperone you just let me know. haha

Anonymous said...

Diane, You are a great Mom....buying new shoes so your kids can have the boxes...I love your thinking!