Monday, February 5, 2007

Queen of Sabotage

That's me.

I weighed myself today and somehow managed to register four pounds lighter than last week. I completely don't believe it - there's no way. The scales must be wrong. But on the off chance that I actually dropped a little weight, I hurried to McDonalds for lunch - scarfed a double cheeseburger AND fries.

I had lots of excuses - forgot to bring lunch today, no time after going to the gym, yada yada yada. Yeah, like ordering a salad would have been so much slower.


Anonymous said...
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TriGirl 40 said...

Sometimes I think our bodies crave what we need - maybe you needed some good ole beef!

Anonymous said...

YTD Totals...that's a DOUBLE IRONMAN. And this is the OFF-SEASON!