Saturday, January 6, 2007

Fun House

I have long held a theory that we women view ourselves in a fun house mirror. Body parts are either way too small or way too large. I, for example, see myself with a peanut head, small upper body, large hips, and elephant legs. I am essentially a triangle in my own little fun house mirror.

It is completely an unrealistic assessment of myself; one which none of my friends would agree with, and one which I would never use to describe another human being. Yet my own inner voice is the one I hear most; therefore, it is the one I believe.

Let's resolve to train our inner voices to be kind. Assess ourselves as we would assess our friends, with a kinder gentler perspective.

On a related note, I think some men have a fun house mirror too but theirs seems to work in reverse - things they want to be small appear small and vice versa for large - whether it's true or not. Theirs can be equally unrealistic but at least it's positive!


TriGirl 40 said...

Yep, you are right, the rest of the world sees you as this incredibly fit person - with a body we would trade ours for any day of the week. I think age helps to some degree. I'm much more accepting of my body, faults and all, than I was in my twenties.

Diane said...

Wow - thanks! You made my day! And I'll happily trade anytime...