Monday, October 1, 2007

Bike Fit

Tonight I had a bike fit with TriGirl sponsor Jim Miller. He has a lot of enthusiasm and knowledge about the sport, so that in and of itself was great. He measured my bike and assessed my strength and flexibility (or lack thereof) before I ever even got on the bike.

Once I got on the bike and started spinning, I told him I was concerned that he was going to say that my bike was too small for me. He was noncommittal at that point, saying only that bike frame sizes overlap and that I was definitely in the gray area. Uh-oh. It turns out that the bike fits fine, but later he told me his initial impression was that the frame was too small.

Jim made a lot of minor adjustments to my bike. He moved my seat back and leveled it out and dropped my handlebars. Otherwise, he said the fit was remarkably good. I can't wait to ride it on Wednesday to see what a difference it makes. I'm pretty sure I'm going to be at least 2 mph faster in my race on Saturday. Um... NOT.

I came home and sampled a new flavor of Ben & Jerry's, Karamel Sutra, purchased mainly because I liked the name so much. And I have to say it was fab-you-lous.

I'm going to need a few minutes here to compose myself...


REB60 said...

I knew your bike had to be a good fit already. I mean, how much faster can you be???

TriGirl 40 said...

Yes, I am composing myself after reading your post about Karemel Sutra.

You are such a great cyclist already - who knows what those little tweaks will do...

Unknown said...

I think I'm going to invest in this as well. I think I'm close, but it would be nice to tweak it.

Annn said...

I will never be able to catch you again!

Even with my new fit.

ShesAlwaysWrite said...

Ooh baby, Karamel Sutra is where it's at!!