Thursday, March 15, 2007

Week in Review

As long as I make it to my weights class tomorrow, I should hit all my goals for the week. Yippee! I tallied weekly goal achievement ratio year to date on the right - running was great at 10/10 but swimming - not so good with only 5/10. Go figure. I suspect that I will be in a tiny bit of trouble at the end of the year since my overall goal is 45/52 weeks for each activity. The best I can do at swimming is 47/52 if I hit every goal every week for the rest of the year. Highly unlikely, but I'm a girl who likes a challenge.

My week starts on Sunday as far as my training log goes. Normally on Sunday morning, I run with a friend. This week, I admit to a slight hangover after too much white AND red wine the night before at the Bean's, coupled with a deep disregard for daylight saving's time. Fortunately, when I got home Sat night, Masha had left a message that she couldn't run. Yes! Rainbow and I finally rolled out of bed Sunday morning at 11. In all fairness, it was 10 to us! ha ha Thank goodness one of my kids got my sleeping genes! Taz got my husband's so he was up at 6 a.m. raring to go. I love him to pieces but I don't want to see so much of him before the sun comes up.

I almost procrastinated to the point that I didn't have time to run before Som's swimming class, but I managed to eek out 3 1/4 miles at an 8:37 minute/mile pace. I was concentrating on running fast since I knew it would be short, and man it kicked my ass. I was breathing hard! I took a super fast shower so I wouldn't offend Kathryn in the car on the way to swimming, and we were off.

Som's class has been packed this year and there are some fast new TriGirls. We were late and therefore ended up in the lane with them since it was the only one with space. Not the best idea and I was happy to get out of the pool 2100 yards later! I will definitely try harder to be on time from now on to get in the right (read: slower) lane.

Som has been punishing us in the new season. This week's adventure included some crazy butterfly/breastroke combination stroke he must have invented in a particularly devious moment followed by a 100 IM (25 yards each butterfly, backstroke, breastroke, freestyle). When I used to swim summer league swim team as a kid, my best strokes were butterfly and breastroke - but the fly is long forgotten. I think I more closely resembled a drowning mosquito than a butterfly.

And that takes us all the way to... Monday! We're zipping right along!

Usually I do a weights class at lunchtime on Mondays but this week, I had to attend a last minute meeting that could only fit on everyone's schedule at noon. Fortunately, I discovered that there is a weights class at 4:45 on Mondays. Although hopefully I won't need that bit of information again. I was planning to hit the weight room but did that instead. We blew through a lot of exercises quickly, then I was off to cycling class with Ed. The big downside to Monday was that I didn't get to see much of my babies. I was going to defer cycling class until Wednesday to hang out with them, but I remembered that I had to bring my bike home for...

Tuesday! The Bean and I ran Tuesday morning for a slow 5 miles at an average pace of 10:47 minutes/mile. My legs were tired, so that was fine. We had a good conversation, reminding each other of all the things we'd already talked about on Saturday night. And laughing at the memory of Cate doing cartwheels after a few cocktails.

Tuesday night, I ventured out on my bike on the actual rode! With actual scenery! And motion! It was wonderful. TriGirls Ann and Melissa were my lovely companions. I normally wouldn't go out three nights in a row, but my husband took the kids to baseball practice leaving me to my own devices.

I am surprised to find that I have the bike bug. Who'd have guessed that would happen?!?!?!? Not me, and probably not my coaches Blake and Ed after watching me struggle throughout class all winter. And then it was...

Wednesday! Normally I do yoga on Wednesdays but this week I went to spin class. Yep, that bug bit hard. The instructor had us standing a lot in levels 7 - 10 and I scoffed after experiencing Maramarc classes. For a minute. Then I cranked up the intensity like I was supposed to and died along with everybody else.

Wednesday night, my kids and I tried a class we just discovered called Parent Child Yoga at the Y. Rainbow loves doing yoga poses with me and enjoyed the class. Taz preferred to run around the studio which needless to say the instructor did not appreciate, particularly when another little boy joined him. It was tough to keep him interested and reined in. The class got off to a slow start, then the instructor tried to cram a lot of moves in at the end. She said to us after class that she wasn't usually so disorganized. The kids claim to want to go back, so we will try it again but I will make Taz burn off some energy first and I definitely won't expect to get any yoga myself during it. I counted it this week anyway, giving myself bonus points for good intentions.

So that brings us to today, Thursday. Once again I couldn't get my fat ass out of bed for the TriGirl run and have pretty much resigned myself to the fact that I never will. It is just too early for me. And dark. The Bean and I ran a leisurly 5 miles around the neighborhood after sunrise at a 10:24 minute/mile pace. I felt slow and I suspect the Bean felt like it was too fast but we made it through. Good companionship and conversation trumps speed any day.

At lunch today I tackled my best workout of all... shopping! I found myself with a free hour which very rarely happens so I hit a store close to my office and did a little damage. One cute dress that I can dress up to wear to work or make a little funky for play, two workout tops, a pair of capris for Rainbow and a pair of shorts for Taz. We realized this week that they have outgrown a lot of their spring clothes. Rainbow loves to shop with me; Taz doesn't question the fact that clothes he's never seen before appear in his drawers.

Weights tomorrow followed by a Daisy pizza party at our house... Daisy's are the kindergarten version of Girl Scouts. Saturday brings a rest day or maybe a bike ride (I'm obsessed!!!!) and a Richmond Triathlon Club running clinic, dance for Rainbow and baseball for Taz. Rainbow starts tee ball soon and then Saturdays will really get crazy!

And that my friends is the week in review.

1 comment:

TriGirl 40 said...

What an impressive workout week! Sounds like you are become a great cyclist - can't wait to get outside more with you and all the TRIgirls.