Wednesday, March 7, 2007

The Little Engine

My nutrition lately has sucked. I'm not even sure I can classify what I've been eating as "nutrition." That implies some caloric value does it not? I'm thinking the chips and dip I had for dinner last night aren't anywhere near the base of the food pyramid. And frankly, I haven't really cared.

So today I got the following tips from Graeme Street:
TIP 1: Remove all excess sugars and 'junk food' from your eating
regimen right NOW! This junk is only getting in the way of your progress. This is the FIRST and most important step to getting your nutrition on track and a gateway to unlimited results!

REMOVE: Processed sugars, trans fats, saturated fats, white flour, artificial sweeteners, and anything else that you KNOW is JUNK! If it comes in a fancy's probably JUNK! You must start to read the labels and understand what you're putting in there!

TIP 2: Replace these foods with WHOLESOME, NATURAL, EARTHFOODS! Yes, 'earth foods'. You know, the food that mother nature put here for us all to eat that didn't come from a factory. These foods include vegetables, fruits, organic meats, unprocessed grains, an untampered with food that doesn't come it a package.
I totally get that I'm sabotaging my good exercise habits. I just don't know if I'm in the right frame of mind to do better.
I think I can, I think I can...


Anonymous said...

Finally leaving my first comment! I'm totally with you, though I'm on an upswing this week. I started my 12 week program (not to be confused with 12 steps...) where I actually have to count calories and get my fat a$$ on the treadmill everyday. I've lost an amazing 5 pounds already, which is both awesome and incredibly sad. Sad because if I watched what I ate and exercised all the time, I wouldn't be chunky in the first place!!

Hang in there- you still look FAB!

Melissa said...

another hint I heard in regards to bread is to make sure it says 100% whole wheat or 100% whole grain. if not then although it is using some of the grain poart it is still a lot of the other part that makes up white bread. being a white bread kind of girl making this change has been huge for me! i have found nature's own 100% whole grain to be good and has no sugar added! also - sometimes we jsu tneed candy - i switched to sugar free candy and man now when i eat candy with sugar i feel like my teeth are going to rot out. it's the small things that make a big difference. you can do it