Saturday, March 24, 2007

New Gear

I had a great shopping day today! Check out the cool TriGirl stuff I picked up at training this morning. And after a little light shopping, Melissa and I did a trial du in preparation for her event in two weeks. We were time constrained, so we totalled a four miles of running and ten miles of cycling in a run-bike-run format. It was fun, and she is so ready for her event! Thanks, M, for letting me tag along!

This afternoon, Taz helped me hook up the bike rack that Scouter gave me for Christmas:

...So we could head to Agees and buy more cool gear! Here's what I bought for Scouter:

And here's what I got myself. The new shades didn't show up so well, but they are pink. Surprised? I thought not. The seat is a female-specific model. I'm hoping for a little more comfort... ahem...

And here's what the kids worked me for. They attach to their bikes which will be nice for their tri in June. Plus we got a cute new helmet for Rainbow which she really needed. Her old one was cheap and getting too tight. I would have taken a picture but it was on her head spinning around our cul-de-sac as I was snapping.

Scouter decided I am official obsessed not only with triathlon but with this blog as he caught me taking these pictures just for it. He does have a point...


TriGirl 40 said...

Great new stuff! Sometimes a little shopping trip can motivate a workout. Are those tiger things bubbles?

Melissa said...

what a perfect weekend! shopping is like working out - it gets your happy feelings going! yay for new gear.

Diane said...

They are water bottles! The black thing at the bottem is a cage that attaches to their bikes. Aren't they cute?