Tuesday, March 6, 2007

It's just a number... right?

I'd been feeling pretty good about myself lately, then I had to blow it by stepping on the scales yesterday. I managed to pack on three pounds over one single stinkin' little weekend, so instead of being at my (easy) goal weight, I'm three pounds heavier. Given that my real goal is significantly lighter, this is definitely not good. This is the weight that has been my max for the last two years. Hitting it should automatically invoke good behavior.

But did it? Hell, no. I drowned my sorrows in half of a pint of Haggan Daas coffee ice cream. Four servings my ass! That is a single serving carton if I've ever seen one. So 500 calories later, I'm regreting my actions but my thighs have already accepted their destiny.



Melissa said...

I understand the "numbers game", but remember to allow yourself a splurge here and there. Without them - we would go bonkers! Wait...we are TG's...we are already bonkers!

ShesAlwaysWrite said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog so I could learn about your site! I love finding new tri blogs.

(And you're soooo right - there's no way those little cartons are 4 servings!)

I'll give you a word of warning that Triathlete magazine could be the most expensive magazine subscription EVAH... it's one big gear-fest from front to back and I have yet to read an issue that didn't make me say "hey, I need one of THOSE!" : D

JenniferS said...

You are so right about Haagen Dazs being a one serving thing. That's why I never buy it -- I do better eating out of a half gallon carton knowing it has to at least work for out in six portions! You don't need to fret about it anyway!