Tuesday, March 20, 2007


My apologies to those of you who may read this blog for any kind of workout information for failing so miserably at staying on topic. Every now and then, I have nothing else on my mind and throw you a bone.

Like today. I've got nothing.

So I'll tell you that I did make it to the weights class on Friday. The instructor spent an inordinate amount of time on chest and not enough on legs but other than that, it was a good class. And that's just me inflicting my own issues!

Saturday was a much-needed rest day. I was jonesing to bike but it was damn cold. I didn't really have time anyway. I did get to go to the Richmond Tri Club running form clinic. The main thing I got out of it was that heel striking is bad. Uh, I actually knew that. The speaker went off on a tangent about stretching, recommending less stretching. He advised one participant with plantar faceitis (sp??) to stop stretching. Since I suspect that I have it in both feet, I'm very curious about that advice and tend to think it is off base. Any thoughts or advice? I need to do a little research before I discount his advice out of hand as I am a big proponent of stretching myself.

Sunday, I had limited time and we didn't have TriGirl swimming, so I went to the Y for a run around the surrounding neighborhood before it opened (5 miles, 9:12 minutes/mile average pace) then swam. Som had kindly posted a swim workout on the forum for us. I printed it, took it with me, and actually did most of it. Even the crazy breastroke/fly combo, 100 IM, and 50 fly. There were 8 sets of 50 free with targeted decreasing times for each set of four, and I actually did them. And timed myself! My first 50 was embarrassingly slow - 1:10 - followed by 1:05, 1:05, and 1:00. I have to admit that the times are rough estimates. The clock was on the other side of the pool and I assumed that I wouldn't remember details like 1:02. But anyway, the first half went well.

At that point, I was supposed to start over and decrease times for the next four 50s. Well, somehow my brain and body did not communicate effectively and I clocked 1:00 for my first 50. I'm not trying to say that's fast or anything, but given that 1:00 was my fastest time in my first set, I was in trouble! Miraculously, the next two 50s were 1:00 also and the final was slightly less; maybe 0:58.

Even though these times sucked, I'm posting them to track any improvement I may show the next time I do these.

I skipped 400 meters of the workout because I ran out of time (and energy) for a total of 2000 meters. It's interesting to note that my stroke count in a meter pool was 21 versus 17 in a yard pool. I didn't think the difference was that dramatic. Perhaps I need some re-education in the metric system.

Monday (yesterday), I went to an on the ball/weights class that was very good. We did one move in particular that killed my hamstrings, laying on our backs on the floor with our heels pressed into the ball. We held that position for an eternity, then rolled the ball in towards us and pushed it back out. Ouch! I'm a big fan of dead lifts for hamstrings and lower back because they feel pretty easy when I'm doing them, but man am I sore the next day. Those are the kind of exercises I like!

My husband, whom I've decided to call Scouter for purposes of this blog (an old college nickname), was out of town so unfortunately I missed cycling. I'm hoping to get out for a ride tomorrow morning or possibly go to class tomorrow night to make it up. Does that count as a commitment?

This morning, Tuesday in case you're keeping track, I ran 5 miles with Beanie at a 10:24 minute/mile pace. We had a good chat that somehow resulted in me volunteering to lead a committee on our school's PTA. How did she do that?!? Actually, it will be fun - Cate and I are going to host the hospitality committee together to provide special themed lunches for the teachers throughout the school year.

I'm Rainbow's room mother this year, and we had a Young Authors' Brunch in her classroom this morning. It was adorable! All the kids were dressed up and each one read a story s/he had written with his/her 4th grade journal buddy. Rainbow's was the best presentation and her story was very funny. It was all about teeth and how she can't wait to lose them. We had an authors' reception afterward with a nice spread of fruit and snacks. The kids were so cute and excited! And her teacher was so proud.

Hey, I did have something to write about after all!


Unknown said...

I love your blog. your kids sound so cute. As for the stroke count thing, a 25 meter pool is longer than a 25 yard pool. SO.. in a meter pool not only will your stroke count be higher than what you are used to (if you are used to a yard pool) but your times will be slower (or vice versa - less strokes, faster time in yard pool). I just realized that the pool for TRIgirl practice is yards and not meters and that is why it feels so short to me.

Melissa said...

i think your swim times are awesome! (i am still workingon doing 50m without running out of breath)