Thursday, March 8, 2007


Today, I had lunch with an old high school friend. We reconnected at our - gulp! - 20 year reunion. He lives out of town but comes to the big city occasionally on business. He and his wife have new babies, so it was fun to hear his sleep deprivation and life-change stories. He reminded me of a time that my cousin and I played a prank on him. He claims - although I have no recollection of this event - that we sent his parents a letter about his absenteism, claiming to be from the school administration. He got in HUGE trouble! I have to admit, it sounds like something we would do. Um, I mean, something we would have done...

More good memories this afternoon on my run - I just love it when there is an actual Tri connection to my various ramblings! For the record, I ran 5 miles today at 9:12 minutes/mile. I usually run in the morning but had to be at work early today. Well, early for me (8:30) which is probably normal for the rest of the working world.

But I did (sort of) have a point... I put a bunch of old songs from our CD collection on my iPod recently so today I was running to mostly late 80s and 90s tunes. It's funny how a song can remind you of a specific event or person so clearly. A lot of the music reminds me of my husband, whom I've known since 1986. (!!!) Def Leopard reminds me of our college days, the Cure when we were dating, and the Lightning Seeds of when we were just married and moving into our first house. The Judybats remind me of our college friends Ed & Colleen - they were a popular local band in Tennesee when Ed was in grad school. AC/DC reminds me of the Bean and makes me laugh to imagine her rocking out in her Catholic school uniform when she was young. Her husband comes to mind with any Rolling Stones tune. They've been his favorite forever. We went to a Stones concert together recently in Charlottesville - the one with the bomb scare - and it was amazing. I didn't really want to go but have been a huge fan ever since. Mary J Blige reminds me of my college roommate, Jill, while Janet Jackson and L'il Kim remind me of her husband Andy. Shakira is all Cate! Linkin Park is my brother. A good run, filled with good thoughts of people I love.

I've got to get some Zepplin, Dave Matthews, and Rush on my iPod next. And who knows what else I'll find as I stroll down memory lane via CD...

1 comment:

Melissa said...

sounds liek a great run! i lvoe strolls through memory lane. it is the little things, like a song, that matter.