Sunday, December 30, 2007

Workout Week in Review

I didn't send my kids to live in the woods with wolves, by the way. I did however send them to Grandma's house for a few hours. Which is always a mixed blessing. This time, Taz came home with blue hair and Rainbow's was pink and blue striped. Yeah.

Anyway, onto the ever-exciting workout week in review, or WWiR for short!

Sunday: Ran eight miles with Beanie in the pouring rain. Some freaky dude stopped his car and offered us a ride. I assumed he was being nice; Beanie is positive that we barely escaped a slow torturous death. She's probably right.

Monday: Weights class which was a killer workout! I thought for sure I was going to be in pain for Christmas Day but I was just a touch sore.

Tuesday: Zilch.

Wednesday: Nada.

Thursday: A very slow five mile run. My big accomplishment on Thursday was getting out of bed.

Friday: Zip.

Saturday: Biked 28 miles with Richard and TriGirl40 which was fabulous. TG40 pulled us to faster speeds than we've seen recently: 17.2 for the first 20 miles but down to 16.7 overall. She makes it look so easy while I'm panting to keep up. We missed you, Kermit!

I'm typing this in my running clothes with great intentions of a long run today... but the weather outside is frightful (40 degrees and raining) and the fire is so delightful (that I took a nap in front of it)... so we'll see.


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