Tuesday, December 4, 2007


I decided in my infinite wisdom to work from home today.

My morning started like any other Tuesday. Beanie and I ran five miles, of course chatting the whole time. I love running with her. We were stretching and chatting after our run, and since I was in no hurry to get to work, we came inside, had a Propel and chatted some more.

After she left, I showered and put my jammies back on. I came downstairs with wet hair and no makeup, fixed myself a bowl of oatmeal, and ate it by the fire. It was so toasty warm over there that I brought my laptop over and proceeded to have a lengthy email conversation with a friend. Then I ate a bag of Cheetos.

Time to get to work! Finally I connected to my office, checked email and opened the file I'm supposed to be finishing. I actually worked for awhile.

But look! It's lunchtime! I rummaged through the refrigerator and found some left over Chinese food. Is it still good? Smells okay... ate that.

Since I'm going to throw up anyway from eating week old chicken, I may as well have the popcorn I wanted. Wait - do I want popcorn or leftover pumpkin crisp? Popcorn? Pumpkin Crisp? Popcorn. Definitely popcorn.

Then pumpkin crisp.

And a little more work. Maybe I should go into the office tomorrow.

Um, excuse me.... I'm not feeling so well...


Unknown said...

Sounds like me...which is why I have to force myself to go into my office!


Jon said...

Too funny! I "Worked" from home today myself. I did get some work done but between all of the calls and unexpected things I didn't get anything done that I planned. I did get to run in the new snow but that was about it.
Hope you're doing well.