Thursday, December 27, 2007

Warning: Not for non-parents or anyone contemplating child rearing

My kids kicked my ass today.

On the surface, we had a fun day which included breakfast, reviewing their Christmas presents, lunch, the movie Enchanted (which is fabulous, by the way) including popcorn soda AND skittles, the book store where some Christmas money was spent, then pizza and ice cream.

Perhaps there was too much sugar and fat.

For me, there was most definitely too little sleep. I dragged my protesting self out of bed to run this morning only because I was meeting Beanie. We managed a drag-ass five miles.

Taz was a smart alack All.Day.Long. He argued with every word out of my mouth. Those that he bothered to listen to, any way.

Except when his sister got in trouble, when he suddenly and remarkably became an angel. Funny how that happens.

For her part, Rainbow announced over pizza and ice cream that I am "a little bit selfish." After I had spent the whole day catering to their many whims.

I swear I almost started crying. Then I bundled their butts in the car and sent her to her room.

I'm exhausted.

I'll blog a happy-face post about our wonderful shiny Christmas when I can put a better face on it. Like when my memory dims and fantasy takes over. And likely, when the kids go back to school and I miss them again.

Or when I leave them in the woods for a pack of wolves to raise.

Perhaps they'd turn out better.


Anonymous said...

So funny! All parents know of this day. I probably only avoided it because I had to go to work today. Looking forward to the shiny, happy-face blog Christmas Di. She really is just below the surface. JenniferS

Cyndi said...

hee hee! I've been there -- okay, I am there!! After my oldest daughter rolled her eyes at me this morning, I factually declared to my husband that there would undoubtedly be an ass-kicking today. Her attitude continued and, indeed, there was. Although, my "ass-kicking" really only consists of my endless loud, obnoxious screaming at a pitch that would scare the crap out of a deaf person. Ahh, the holidays . . .

Unknown said...

I spent Wednesday with an angel. Not. I missed out not finding a playdate.
You should really go for a bike ride on Tues.....I know I"ll need it.

TriGirl 40 said...

Kids have that radar on the worst buttons to press sometimes. You are an awesome mom! Though I hear wolves make great babysitters.

Grandison said...

Christmas break is officially one week too long.

Jon said...

I shared this post with my wife and she loved it (If that's what you call it). She was glad to see that she is not the only one to have the little trolls act this way. I, of course, never have these problems...
Just keep telling yourself that someday you'll be a grandparent and get to laugh at your kids. That plus a few drinks might help.