Sunday, December 16, 2007

Weekend, Weekend!

I love the weekend!

We spent Friday night elfing all our friends and family. It doesn't get much better than that! Oddly, I received many inquiries as to the extent of my intoxication. Admittedly, I did have a little Cabernet but really it was the kids egging me on, not the alcohol.

We knew that Friday was going to be the calm before the storm. The rest of the weekend was one activity after the other, filled with leaving one event early to arrive late at the next.

Fortunately, my friends were able to accommodate my crazy schedule to fit in a bike ride on Saturday morning. The fabulous TriGirl40 joined Richard, Kermit and me for a 20 mile trek. My cycling fitness is pathetic these days. I was struggling. Every time I tried to draft Kermit, he sped off. TriGirl40 made it all look so easy. As I was huffing and puffing, she would glide beside me, chat for a few minutes, then take off. Richard kindly let me ride his back wheel for the last five miles. He is a true friend, always there when I need help. Whew!

We are planning to ride outside all winter so I can only imagine that they will continue to push me far harder than I would go on my own, assuming I would go on my own at all. Good stuff. If anyone is up for a Saturday morning ride, just let me know and I'll add you to our email list. I'm hoping DL will be able to join us next week, and DB may become a regular. Yeah!

Annnn, as much as I love you, you are NOT allowed to ride with us until Dr. Dec gives you clearance to bike outside. No more emergency room visits!

After the ride and a quick shower, the day's events piled up. I met a group of former co-workers for lunch at a Japanese steak house. The kids ended up going with me and they were fascinated by the tabletop cooking. Then I passed Taz off to Scouter for a Cub Scout event, while Rainbow and I headed to my cousin's house for a family holiday gathering. I could have attended longer, but four passes of their neighborhood on Huguenot Road really ate into the time allotted. Grrr. Back home, I picked up Taz and dropped my two babies at a party. Raced back, met Scouter at a neighbor's holiday cocktail party. I was literally there for five minutes before I had to snag Scouter and head out to meet Beanie and Bryan.

Ahhh, finally... time to relax with good friends. We went out for drinks and dinner. It was so nice to chill out for a little while during the holiday bustle.

Today, we went to a Santa Brunch at our country club and Theatre IV's Christmas Story production with Beanie and family. Theatre IV does a great job of producing plays with local talent and I love going down there. The kids especially enjoyed the show, particularly getting the casts' autographs afterwards.

When I got home, I found out that my two running partners for tonight's TriGirl holiday lights run were not going and I quickly decided to bag it, too. I would have had a great time, I know, but I have a hard time motivating myself to be away from home for two or more hours on a Sunday night. At least, that's my excuse for skipping TG swimming all the time! Beanie and I opted for our own four mile lights run around our neighborhood instead. I don't run at night much so it was a fun treat that helped us both de-stess a bit.

Now I am vegging in front of the fire with a cup of hot cocoa and my laptop. Ahh...


Unknown said...

Now you know why I always draft one of you guys...cause I suck in the lead! Its what I told Richard a year ago, I go till I can't. I'll learn.

TriGirl 40 said...

You have no idea how happy I was/am to find all you awesome bicyclists that want to brave the elements this winter. You, R, and K are rockstars in my book and I am so glad you will let me tag along. Though I did sometimes hear a far-away manical laugh during our ride - from someone joining us in February, perhaps?