Friday, December 21, 2007

Wish List

'Tis the season for lists, ey? Here's what I'd like to find under the tree on Christmas morning. Think the fat man can manage it?
  1. Children who get along with each other a significant portion of the time
  2. New running shoes
  3. A whole uninterrupted night's sleep - no nocturnal Taz, no freaking out barking dog, and no need to pee
  4. A massage, or better yet a package of many massages
  5. Winter running tights
  6. A cool new job
  7. A babysitter for New Year's Eve (also the Bean's birthday!)
  8. A kitchen phone with working caller ID to replace the one that was fried in a storm last summer
  9. Outdoor bike rides throughout the winter
  10. World peace (since I'm being completely reasonable with the rest of the list...)

1 comment:

Annn said...

I was so getting you brit-brit's mom's parenting book for Christmas. I guess I better look at that world peace thing now.