Thursday, December 20, 2007

Rock Star

You guys know how obsessed I am with Nickleback, especially their song "Rock Star," right? I actually realized the other day that I hadn't heard it in awhile and started frantically pressing buttons on my car radio as though I could magically make it play my song. Thank goodness for my iPod...

I've got to say, there is little that could possibly be more rewarding as a parent than hearing your six year old daughter belt out the lyrics "I'm gonna pop my pill from a pez dispenser" or your seven year old son sing about dating a Playboy bunny... Pretty soon, Britney and I will be BFFs. Perhaps we'll co-author a book on the pitfalls of child-rearing.

Just to digress further, today I saw on the cover of Star magazine that Britney eloped in Vegas (again) with a bad boy. This right after Rainbow was singing her new song "Gimme" as "Shimmy" - very funny. Oh and her sister Jamie Lynn, following in the footsteps of good genes and breeding of her older sister, is pregnant. At 16. Makes singing Rock Star look pretty lame in comparison, ey? Or "Gimme" for that matter. The most hilarious part of all is that their Mom has put her own parenting book on hold temporarily. Now there's an expert we all need to learn from...

Did I have a point? Do I ever?

'K so anyway where I was going when I started this rambling post was to write about our whole family's new found obsession with Guitar Hero. Do you know this game? It is a video game where the controller is a wireless guitar. The screen shows notes and you "play" them on your guitar. Scouter started the fad in our house. Well, actually, I must admit culpability. I gave it to him for Christmas last year. He finally took it out of the box about a month ago and now we are all hooked.

Scouter has quickly become a pro, but Taz and Rainbow are in the hunt. Taz does a one-fingered move on the keys with his left hand but somehow he makes it work. Rainbow has the rock 'n roll face and accompanying dance moves to go pro. It is hilarious!

I resisted the whole video game phenomenon until last weekend, when Scouter plied me with wine and placed the guitar in my hand. I had a mean Joan Jett working on "I Love Rock 'n Roll" and soon was hooked myself.

If only I could wrestle it out of my family's hands so I could play more.

If they come out with a version that includes "Rock Star," game over. That baby's mine! All mine!

UPDATE: BigDaddy just "Electrified the Garden" with 99% of notes hit and a five star performance.

My chances of getting to play ever again just decreased exponentially...


mommy to 2, feels like 4. said...

So thankful I have a boy!!!

TriGirl 40 said...

I want to come over and play!

Unknown said...

We'll have the whole "band" on the 26th, Santa (and amazon) permitting.

Jon said...

We got our son GH3 for Christmas. He played 8 hours that day and another 5 on the 26th. He's hooked and now my wife and daughter are as well. I'm trying to stay away from the stuff myself...