Saturday, December 8, 2007

Workout Week in Review

This week was better than last week anyway! I even managed to bike for the first time in a long time!!

Monday: Weights class with my favorite teacher. She is not only a great teacher, she is fun. My butt wasn't quite as sore as last week but I really need to gain some consistency here!

Tuesday: Ran five miles with Beanie, 10:18 min/mile average which is pretty good for us. It was cold!!!

Wednesday: Spin class. It was a good class but I really need to get used to the tedium of cycling indoors again.

Thursday: Ran 4.5 miles with Beanie, 10:08 min/mile pace. We're getting better!

Friday: Weights class at a different Y than usual. It is fun to see different moves at other gyms. I got a great workout and was definitely sore afterwards.

Saturday: Surprise, surprise I went out on my actual bike with Richard and Kermit. I had to blow the spider webs off of it and pump the tires first. Plus find my cold weather gear again. But I really had no excuse - they met right in my driveway. We rode further than I would have on my own... although admittedly, on my own I would have done nothing. Our loop was 28 miles at a 16 mph average pace. I have definitely lost some of my cycling fitness, and I think I slowed them down today. We are hoping to ride outdoors all winter. I love riding with those guys.

Not too shabby for the off season!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I don't think you were holding anyone up. Not me anyway.