Saturday, December 22, 2007


Tee hee hee - I'm making myself laugh with my title... but it's really just my same old boring workout week in review. This time! New and improved!!! On ice!!! Man it was cold this week.

Sunday: Beanie and I did our own lights run through our neighborhood, four miles at 9:57 minutes/mile average. We started slow and we picked it up nicely throughout. It was fun to run in the dark for a change.

Monday: Weights class at the Y with Beanie. I'm going to a different Y now and it is cool to have different instructors with different moves. This Y seems to incorporate balance and core strengthening a lot more and I can certainly use that.

Tuesday: Ran 4.5 miles with Beanie, 10:15 min/mi pace. It was 21 degrees - so cold that people at the bus stop told me I was crazy. I layered up but never actually removed anything on the run. The treadmill or the track at the Y were sounding really good! I wore my regular weight running tights. My legs were bright red at the end, and the strips of skin on my ankles that were exposed were even redder and swollen. Brrrrr!!!!

Wednesday: Nothing. Zero, zip, nada. This was the first day of winter break for my kids so we played instead!

Thursday: Ran five miles with the Bean at a dismal 11:15 min/mi pace. It wasn't quite as cold as Tuesday but damn it was still freezing. I wore my winter weight cycling tights this time thank goodness.

Friday: Weights class at the Y. Twice in one week - woo hoo! My hammies and chest were very sore afterwards. I considered staying for the step class afterwards, but managed to talk myself out of it.

Saturday: Yes! Cycling with Richard and Kermit. No way would my bike have moved from the garage if it weren't for these guys. We rode 23.5 miles to and through Ashland and back and stopped at Liz's house for a quick chat and hugs. She offered coffee and waffles so I have to say we deserve brownie points for declining and getting back on our bikes! You could hear my sobs all the way back to the Henrico County line.

Right after we left Liz's house, Richard charged into oncoming traffic and given that I will follow him anywhere, I was right behind him. Afterwards, Kermit and I sweetly encouraged him to consider breaking and signaling, after which time Richard was incredibly solicitous and signaled well in advance of any impending change. I'm not quite sure that the signals he used are exactly standard, unless nose thumbing is acceptable, but I'm pretty sure the car behind us appreciated his middle finger right turn signal.

Today's ride didn't kick my ass as much as the last two weeks so I'm heading into the holidays feeling marginally encouraged that I'm not in fact a complete worthless slug.

Can't ask for more yuletide joy than that! Unless of course Liz had provided bourbon laced egg nog...


Annn said...

I sensed a strange disturbance in the force after my run this morning. I feared it had to do with refused waffles.

And I totally see the guys on the tour using those hand signals.

Boy, do I miss riding with you all!

Unknown said...

Maybe if I had Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnn's new wheels, I'd have ridden faster. Nah. That was all I had for sure.
Maybe Santa will bring Richard some bike blinkers. Probably won't help the sudden turns tho.

Jon said...

Sounds like Richmond actually gets some cold weather. Now try running when it's below zero. That's fun!
How'd the interview go?