Friday, June 1, 2007

Weekend in Triplicate

Yeah, I've been resting on the laurels of my last post which I'm inordinately pleased with. Isn't Taz hilarious? he he

I'm ridiculously excited for this weekend even though it's going to be insane! We have:

3 birthday parties
3 baseball games
3 triathlons
1 round of golf (18 is a multiple of 3!)
1 TriGirl party (tri - get it?!?)

The kids' first triathlon is tomorrow at the Shady Grove Y. We went to packet pickup tonight and they were thrilled to discover sports gel in their packets. They wore the swim caps everywhere else we went. Which included a trip to the Y to check out the transition area and walk the course. I think I am way more excited than they are, although they're pretty fired up.

Helmets are stickered, race numbers are pinned to shirts, and transition bags are packed. Shoes are stretched wide and those cool little tri lacing gadgets are installed. I have a bonus snack bag for the wait before their heat starts and after, if needed. Including race beans which are another big exciting adventure.

My first scheduled tri of the season follows on Sunday. I'm going to run with the kids during their bike section tomorrow and see how my ankle feels afterwards. If it isn't any worse from the run, then I'll do it. If it is a mess, then I will just go cheer on my fellow TriGirls. There's no point in hurting myself further and missing six or more weeks.

Taking this week off had its definite pros and cons. I kind of didn't know what to do with myself during lunch time so I went shopping on Tuesday and Wednesday then made lunch plans for Thursday and Friday. Today, my Mom took me out to lunch. Our conversations are usually constantly interrupted by my kids so it was really nice to have alone-time with her. I also put in some extra hours at work which were much needed this week. Scouter is pretty much ready for me to start working out again so I'll stop spending so much money during lunch!

A highlight of the week was the Massey Cancer Center wine and cheese reception for team fundraising coordinators associated with the Monument 10k. I had the good fortune of attending with the ever-adorable Susie Q and had so much fun hanging out with her. I can't keep up with her on a swim, bike or run, but I can hang with her for a social function! Thanks for going with me, SQ!

Hopefully I'll be training with Susie and the TriGirls more on Saturdays after all. Scouter and I made a deal that if I get to attend the long training sessions on Saturday, he gets to golf on Sunday. I've been encouraging him to go all spring and he's finally taking me up on it. We'll see whether that improves his disposition. In the meantime, I've been calling him Old Curmudgeon or OC for short. He doesn't seem to find it nearly as amusing as I do.

While he's golfing this Sunday, I'll be hosting a TriGirl post-race party. Yippee!!! I'm looking forward to it. And I have to say that associating with so many type A women is a beautiful thing. Everyone offered to bring something, and I'm old and lazy enough to take them all up on it. I used to try to do it all myself but I learned that I'm too stressed and/or tired to enjoy the party. This one, I will definitely enjoy!

Here's to a fun-filled, activity laden weekend! Cheers!

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