Saturday, June 2, 2007

Powerkids Triathlon Race Report

My kids completed their first triathlon today! They were pretty into it, but it was mainly me who was overly excited.

We actually had to wake the kids up earlier even than we do for school - 6:30. Their bathing suits and clothes were ready to go, so they hopped up, geared up, and had healthy breakfasts. After a quick stop to pick up Gatorade (by request), we were off.

The Y was a bevy of activity with kids and healthy-looking parents everywhere. I saw my friend (and fellow TriGirl) Jackie in transition with two of her kids. Also TriGirl DB was there looking adorable as always.

Scouter and I set up the transition area with bike/run clothes, running shoes, Gatorade, and Hammer Gel. Then we headed off to body marking. Taz & Rainbow were very excited about body marking, especially getting their ages (to be) on their legs. Both have birthdays after the event, so they thought it was really cool to be marked a year older than they actually are.

We barely made it over to the pre-race briefing which was a bit of a mess. Imagine 165 kids and their parents crammed into the small space behind the Shady Grove Y pool, being told that we can't watch our kids swim and oh, by the way, even though the website said we could run with our children on the bike leg, the race director changed her mind the night before and oh too bad that your five year old is going to be devestated because you told her you would be right beside her, you can't go out there. So yes I had a few minutes of being extremely pissed off before I shook it off to try to make the experience the best it could be.

One thing I really liked about the event is that the little guys (5-8) were given time to completely clear the course before the bigger kids (9-14) even started. My kids were in the third swim wave. I waited outside the door to cheer for them and snap photos as they exited; Scouter waited at the end of the chute to provide towels and more support. Taz flew out the door with a big grin at a full sprint. Rainbow came out more slowly looking a bit dazed. She walked to transition and got there just as Taz was taking off for his bike leg.

I'd coached the kids on walking their bikes out of transition and making sure helmets were on and snapped. Taz ran his bike out, hopped on, and took off like a shot. He had a big grin the whole way. Rainbow did not look too happy at this point. She ended up riding Taz's bike at the last minute and said she fell on the course. (My poor baby! And I wasn't there!!!) I was really nervous the whole time she was out on the bike leg and extremely relieved to see her little legs motoring back. And she was moving!!!

By that time, Taz had blazed back through transition and taken off on the run leg. He looked a little tired after the first loop but kept moving at a rapid rate towards the end. He probably crossed the finish line before Rainbow started her run. I fully expected her to walk much of the way, but she was a trooper. We saw her walking for a few minutes but she jogged it out most of the way, even catching another kid who was pretty far ahead of her at the beginning of the run. I was at the finish line for the announcement of her name and age, and caught her with a big hug. Taz saw her cross the finish line too and was a proud big brother.

They were both proud and happy at the end of the race, and anxious to partake in post-race festivities. Grandma and PaPa treated them to snow cones and cotton candy. (It's amazing how those people have changed since they became grandparents! I would have gotten neither as a child.)

I didn't ask them if they'd do it again because I don't want to push them, but I hope they will.
They are champions!


Anonymous said...

This the sweetest race report I've ever read. Your babies are amazing - must be the super-fab parental influence. :)


Jonah Holland said...

CUTE! you must be so proud!

TriGirl 40 said...

Yep - both champions like there Mama. Wished I saw Taz, too, but Rainbow was the spitting image of her Mom - great running form and grace! Loved being out there to see you all.

Melissa said...

great race report - made me proud for you!

Anonymous said...

you made me tear up!
i loved the pix.

Anonymous said...

Congrats to your kids! They did so well! I saw Taz fly across the finish line, and know you're a proud momma. There's a Twin Hickory youth tri in August they may want to do, mine are going to (even Reiley, who's chain came off and had to walk his bike back).