Monday, June 18, 2007


"S/he is an accident looking for a place to happen," my mother used to say when someone was being too clumsy or too wild or... something. I never really thought much about it and have in fact never uttered those words myself until just lately... when I began to embody them.

You may recall my sprained ankle from Memorial Day weekend, which I twisted walking down my neighbor's driveway. Then last week, I tripped on debris in a parking lot while wearing ridiculously high heels and pulled a muscle in my shin. I tried to ignore it but it hurt pretty badly for a few days and still twinges.

Then yesterday, I broke my finger. Yep, it's broken - the tip of my pinkie finger on my right hand. It's the size of my thumb and purple. The first broken bone I've ever had actually.

I've got to go see an orthopedic, ice it every hour, and wear a brace. The doctor I saw today at my family practice told me to avoid any activity that will be hot (i.e., running or biking) for the next 3-4 days, until the swelling goes down. Swimming is out for awhile. It will take a good 6 weeks to heal.

I won't be blogging much either until it feels better. It sucks to type with one hand.

Let's hope bad luck comes in 3s and that I injure myself no more.


Melissa said...

you poor thing! take care of yourself. the question is...can you still lift a wine glass?! :)

Jonah Holland said...

D, i'm so sorry. Hopefully it won't mess up any races you have planned. See you wednesday for wine?

Anonymous said...

Sadness :(
Heal quickly!


Anonymous said...

I like the wine glass comment!!
What an excellent question...I wish I had thought of that!

How, dear say, did you do it???
No tell!!

I hope you heal quickly ~ xojo