Wednesday, May 30, 2007

A conversation with Taz

"Mommy?" I heard a sweet little voice in the back seat.

"Yes, darling?" I replied, as I spun around in my crinolined skirt, tied my apron in place, and patted my perfectly coiffed hair. A mean feat considering I was also driving.

"What are these round squishy things?" he inquired.

Naively, I requested clarification. "What round squishy things, honey?" Still channeling June Cleaver.

"The ones beside my penis," he explained.

Oh. Those round squishy things. I didn't turn around to see whether or not they were on display. Anything is possible. And yes he used the anatomically correct term. I have to say he didn't learn it from me; I prefer to be more euphemistic.

"Yeah, Mommy, what are they?" Rainbow added. Inquiring minds want to know.

A long period of silence ensued, during which time I ever-so-imperceptibly turned the radio up in an effort to distract them. Bet June never got this question. If she did, she probably said, "Go ask your father." Which sounded like a pretty good option. However, one that I feel is unavailable to me as a 21st century mom.

My children waited expectantly.

"Ahhhh, those contain a chemical called testosterone which is what makes you a boy," I offered lamely. Then braced myself for a barrage of follow-up questions.

"Cool!" exclaimed Taz. "This song is on our Kidz Bop CD!"


Anonymous said...

That is HILARIOUS! Thanks for the peek into my future!! Too funny. Will- at the tender age of 2- is already inthrawled with his "pee-pee". Ugh- men.

Jenn said...

D that was freakin' hysterical! Thanks for making me laugh!

Melissa said...

can't. stop. laughing.

thank you for the chuckle. i desperately needed it today. the wonders of kids minds are always entertaining. and what a story for his first girlfriend! (btw - great answer.)

TriGirl 40 said...

Out of the mouthes of babes - this one could end up circulating the internet!