Sunday, June 24, 2007

Got that taper down now, thanks

So a few weeks ago I lamented the fact that I didn't get the taper concept. Since then, I've had one enforced taper week after another. Except sprint tri week, I haven't even had the reward of a race at the end.

Okay sports gods - I GET IT NOW. Uncle. I've even got the crazies to prove it. (Different crazy than usual even.)

Yesterday I couldn't take it anymore and busted out on a ride with Richard. I love riding with Richard. We rode a 55 mile RABA route through Ashland up to Doswell and back. And Cyndi in case you're wondering, we hit the Three Bitches again around mile 16. (We really have to do this ride with a group of TriGirls!) Anyway I walked up the first one again even though I was determined not to. I hit the bottom of a downhill pedaling fast, shifted out of the big chain ring and heard that awful in-between-ring sound and the faint hint of my bike scoffing at me. I couldn't get it in gear before rolling backwards so I had to hop off and walk. We hit another long grind on Horseshoe Road at about mile 38. It was a really pretty, low traffic ride through the country. My only complaint is that there were no bathroom or water refill stops available. I was exhausted at the end. Riding only once a week for the last month has really hurt my endurance. We averaged 16.0 mph though which was just fine.

I was supposed to run 3 afterwards but I skipped it b/c I was already late to meet Beanie for our girl day. Our husbands took the kids camping so we had the whole day (and night) ahead of us! That has never happened before. We had a blast - pedicures, shopping, dinner and margaritas at Nacho Mamas (sitting beside a wacko with a foot fetish), followed by a rockin' party at Mary Jo's. Thanks MJ! Wish I could have stayed and danced.

This morning, I slept until almost 9 - luxery! - then went out for a 5k run. Annnnnnnnn, just for you and T, I tried to push. My mile splits were 8:37, 8:23, and 8:17 for a total 3.1 time of 26:09 (8:26/mi average). I was wiped on the last mile so I'll work on speed and endurance over the next month in preparation for our sprint tri relay. Hopefully race adrenaline will get me closer to 25 for you.

Most of the swelling is gone in my finger. It still hurts a lot, is very purple, and I still can't bend it. I'm going to concentrate on running and biking until the pain is better, then I'm planning to tape my pinkie to my ring finger to attempt swimming. I'm nervous that I won't be prepared for the Luray Olympic in mid-August. And I'm so sad that Patriot is out for this year. Losing a month of training has left me woefully unprepared. When I do a half IM, I want to be strong and ready. Maybe next year.

After all, I have the taper down cold now.


Melissa said...

daggone, speedy gonzales. look at you go!

Jenn said...

Can I borrow your legs? Please?