Saturday, June 16, 2007


So after a break from my children and an endorphin rush this morning, I have a little better perspective on their bad behavior this week. Basically, too much sugar and excitement, coupled with too little sleep. They aren't always so rotten, after all.

I'm reminded of a friend's sister who had kids way before we did. Every time I saw her when her children were little, she said they were "heinous." I thought she was kidding. Now I know she was just brutally honest! And quite funny.

Just to show you part of why they were so jacked up, here's the cake I made for our family dinner with Scouter's sister and husband Thursday night for Taz's actual birthday, filled with chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream no less. It's supposed to look like a baseball.

And here's the one I made for his big laser tag party yesterday. The pirate ship was cracking in the middle so I had to fill it completely with icing. It didn't look so good from the back! The little island is cake too with crushed graham crackers on top to look like sand.

Yes, I'm insane.

Thanks REB for your pep-talk. You are always there for me. I missed you this morning ~ did a 28 mile ride up to and through West Creek, then home for a six mile run. I was hoping to ride with TriGirls once I got to the Creek. Annnnn dropped me in a burst of speed, but fortunately I met new TriGirl Amanda and we stuck together for a loop and a half. I also got to see my buddies Jackie and Jennifer for a quick chat, and catch up briefly with TriGirl Sarah. Yeah! I've gotten completely unmotivated to ride alone lately. It's so much more fun - not to mention safer - to ride with a friend. I'm trying to talk my neighbor Patti into buying a road bike. Her older daughter can watch our younger kids while we get our workouts in this summer!

I'm trying to figure out my summer schedule. The next two weeks are going to suck because I'll still be working full time and the kids are out of school. We'll piece it together somehow. Then, I'm changing my schedule to work ~20 hours per week in July and August - very excited about that! I love the flexibility of my current job. My employer is less than thrilled but agreed to my proposal so it's all good as far as I'm concerned.

I'm looking forward to summer break again!

1 comment:

TriGirl 40 said...

Wow - these cakes are amazing. An since the best part is the icing - I for one would love the extra inside the ship! Beautiful!