Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Post Race

OMG it took me longer to write that last post than it did to do the tri! Guess I'm a little carried away ~ and the day continues...

Post race, I had invited all the TriGirls to my house for a surprise baby shower for Grandison. We told her it was just a post-race party, and thank goodness she wasn't suspicious. Probably because we cut it so close to her due date! I was nervous that she was going to have the baby before we had the party!

I am better at party preparations than I am at race preparations. And throwing a party with TriGirls is great - everyone offered to bring something. I made cheese stuffed mushrooms and black bean dip the night before so all I had to do was heat them the next day. And I ordered the cake with delivery (a yummy carrot cake). Somehow, though, I still had more to do before the party started than I expected.

The plan was that I was bundling Scouter off to golf with his buddies, Rainbow to a birthday party, and Taz was going to hang with me until the babysitter showed up. He's a good helper when he wants to be. My plan - like my race - was foiled by Hurricane Barry. The torrential downpour kept the boys from the golf course and alas they were unable to come up with an alternate activity. Scouter ended up dropping Rainbow at the party and taking Taz to the mall. A funny thought in and of itself. But, they didn't leave until 10 minutes before the party started and all three were demanding my time and attention up to that point.

Thank goodness Melissa came a little early - I immediately put her to work, along with Renae and Jonah. Before long the kitchen was full. Isn't it funny how everyone always settles in the kitchen? I tried to encourage spreading out but I guess we all wanted to be near the food and beverages.

And beverages we had! TriGirls sure love their wine. One of many reasons I love this group. We had wine aplenty, plus a tasty non-alcoholic punch Jonah made and an equally tasty alcoholic punch I made - it was even pink.

Grandison and Mark arrived a little late so we had a good contingency of TriGirls to let her in on the surprise. Mark had been in the know all along but according to G, the man's a vault. Their two adorable kids scampered upstairs with the sitter and the party headed into full swing.

I think a good time was had by all. Congratulations everyone on a great race and thanks for a fun party!


Melissa said...

fabulous soiree, dahling.

Anonymous said...

I got a bike recently, too, and am rediscovering my childhood love of biking.

Anonymous said...

You are the hostess extraordinaire!
Not sure how you did it - cheering on your babies on Sat, competing on Sunday & hosting a party. SuperTRIDi


Jonah Holland said...

Thanks for hosting the party! It was great....and Mark swears he didn't even know it was a baby shower(!?!?)..., that is one way to keep your lips shut about surprise parties!

Cyndi said...

Thanks so much for the fantastic Baby Shower shindig!! What a great way to end a very cold and wet morning!!! Loved the food, fun and celebration!!
