Sunday, May 20, 2007

Girl Weekend

Rainbow and I enjoyed a fun girls' weekend for a good part of this weekend while the boys were on a Cub Scout camping trip.

My Saturday started with a really crappy ride... 29 miles at only 15.4 mph average. I felt tired and sluggish. Katheryn dropped me like a bad habit as soon as we got to West Creek. Fortunately, I hooked up with Jackie and got to ride a loop and chat with her. I'm definitely a social exerciser. The rolling hills of Lauderdale in particular kicked my ass on the way home.

Scouter was almost all packed up and ready to go camping when I returned from my ride. Taz was thrilled and Rainbow was looking forward to some Mommy time. Good stuff.

Rainbow and I started our girl outing as all good girl outings should start - with a pedicure. She's had manicures before but this was her first pedicure. She looked so little perched on the big chair with her little feet dangling in the water. She had a big grin on her face the entire time. She turned to me at one point and said, "Mommy, we need to do this more often!" I asked if more often than once every five years worked for her, and she replied that every other day would be good. She now has neon pink toes and a sparkly red toe ring.

Next we went to lunch at - my frequent readers will never believe this - the Nordstrom Cafe! She had her usual pizza; I had a delicious crab melt. We had a little time to shop but surprisingly didn't buy anything. She wanted sandals but I just can't spend $45 on a pair of kid's sandals. We'll have to hit Target for that.

Next on our itinerary was Theatre IV's Wizard of Oz. We picked up my friend Corinna and her kids to head downtown. It was a great show. All the kids loved it. And really cool - the cast all came to the lobby after the show. Rainbow got all the casts' autograph on her program. She was most excited about Dorothy and the Wicked Witch of the West.

Corinna invited Rainbow and me over to hang out after the show, so we picked up some fabulous food from the Lebanese Food Festival and headed over. I really didn't intend to hang out so long, but the kids were playing great and we were sipping wine... next thing I knew, it was almost 10:00 and well past bedtime for my little one. Rainbow crashed with me since we were home alone, so we did some quality snuggling. She slept until after 8:00 then we chatted and lounged for almost another hour. So nice! That never happens when Taz is home. He wakes up quite early and has to eat immediately.

The boys returned home around 10. Scouter was jonesing to cut grass - men are so weird - so the kids and I headed to the Y for their swim training. We did a lot of playing and the kids practiced their free style stoke a little bit.

This afternoon, we had Rainbow's dance recital. You haven't experienced the joy of parenting until you've spent three hours in a darkened auditorium watching a dance recital with a bored and restless Taz. Rainbow had a blast and did very well with her two numbers. I think her favorite part was the sparkly purple costume.

Alas, we got home too late for me to make swimming... again... but I think I need a rest day anyway. I'm really tired and my body aches.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

what a wonderful weekend!! i agree with rainbow that pedis are a must! theatre and her dance recital - super fun!! you'll have to upload pictures.