Sunday, April 15, 2007


Alternating between drunkeness and a hangover is no way to spend a weekend. Not that I would know first hand; it's just what I'm told.

Believe me?

Yeah, me neither.

So you last saw our heroine (that would be me) talking about happy hour and needing a drink. From there, I headed out to meet Liz, Rebekah, and Sharon. We all used to work together but now only Liz remains at the company. We try to get together regularly and have been doing a pretty good job of it this winter/spring. Cate met us out for a quick 45 minutes too which is always fun! Yes, she used to work for the same company although that's not how I know her.

Liz just returned from Nevis. Her wonderful boyfriend took her for her birthday. She made us all want to go with the pictures from her new fun digital camera. We took a few pictures ourselves with it Friday night! As soon as she sends them to me, I'll post them. Well, I'll edit and then post some of them. You probably won't be seeing the one Rebekah took of me in the bathroom.

Rebekah and I gave Liz a fun sign that says "Parties Well With Others" - perfect for her!

We had lots of fun with fact that Sharon blew us off last time. She kept calling with lame excuses about being stuck at work and then not having a babysitter. So she actually showed this time, fearing that she may otherwise not be invited back. She debated for awhile about whether she was ready to introduce us to her new boyfriend Brian - we can be a bit overwhelming - but her need for a ride home eventually overtook her reluctance to acknowledge us and she called him. He seems like a very nice man from what I remember. He showed up pretty late in the evening after I'd already had a pomogranate martini, a sea breeze, and moved on to wine.

I do remember that we had a protracted conversation about different kinds of underwear, but I'm pretty sure Brian wasn't there yet. The guys at the table next to us found it to be enlightening. I'll spare you the details.

I love those girls.

Saturday morning, I must admit that my head did not feel so great, but I headed to West Creek for a little TriGirl cycling. In the cold drizzle. I took it as punishment. After Blake's tutorial on changing a flat tire (which I needed desperately and will need to see again), I rode 20 miles at ~ 16 mph average speed. Kathryn had gotten an early start so we did one loop together which was fun. Her new bike is great! I conveniently forgot my running shoes so I didn't get the brick in. Oh well. I did a brick Thursday so I think I'm okay for now.

We had a stretching clinic afterwards that ended up focusing a lot on plantar fasciitis - good timing for me. The lady showed several different stretches and exercises. I have to make an appointment with a PT this week to get custom shoe inserts and learns some other exercises. Dr. Stadler told me that strengthening and supporting my feet will help significantly.

After a very long shower to get warm, I spent the rest of Saturday preparing for happy hour at our house with the Bean, Cate and their families. Our kids all get along great, thank goodness. Connor added some items to my grocery list - lemonade, oreo cookie ice cream, and root beer. He also picked out an appetizer of yogurt covered pretzels for the kids. Cate brought these awesome figs wrapped in bacon and yummy chicken meatballs, Corinne brought kid dinner, and I made some appetizers. The kids were thrilled with their root beer; the girls enjoyed razmatinis and yet more wine. We were even able to spend some time on the deck - c'mon spring!

The kids staged their own dance party, jamming to Hannah Montana and the Jump In! soundtrack (which I really like too). Corinne and I joined them for awhile. God, we're going to embarrass them when they're older! Taz even slow danced with Bean's older daughter who is 10 and is a very good sport.

This is the kind of stellar hostess I am - I totally hit a wall, snuck upstairs and went to bed while the party was still going. Taz followed me up and joined me. We were asleep before anyone even missed us. Scouter knows my wily ways and guessed pretty quickly what I was up to! Sorry guys. I'm lame and I know it.

Today was a great day to lounge on the couch while my kids watched movies and built Lego. Now I'm making some potato cheese chowder and looking forward to an early bedtime.

No, I'm not skipping swimming - we didn't have it tonight. TriGirls had a running clinic which is similar to one I attended through the Richmond Tri Club, so I hadn't planned to go. Thank goodness.

I'm tired.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

There must have been something in the air - I spend sunday on the sofa with my vitamin water. cheers to fun weekends...we think! haha