Friday, February 15, 2008

Zumbaletes Rejoice!

Wednesday held another fun filled day of activities with the Zumbaletes. Beanie calls it my Jennifer Day and this week, she decided to join us!!! We're sucking more and more people in with our excitement!

Tuesday night, I reminded Scouter about my exercise trifecta the next morning. His reply? "Don't you mean quad? You can't forget the drinking."

The man knows us well.

I have to admit when the alarm went off at 6:15 on Wednesday morning, excitement was not exactly my emotion. I grumpily contemplated going back to sleep and meeting the girls for coffee after they went cycling, but I remembered that I had talked Annnn into cycling and I thought just maybe she might break character and give me a teeny tiny bit of shit. Or possibly a lot. So I dragged my butt out of bed and went. And by the time I got there, I was mostly happy.

Cycling class was one tough mofo. We did high intensity and hill intervals throughout class. My quads were burning, deep below their layer of fat. Ed is a masocist I'm pretty sure. And if Blogger's effing spell check worked, that would be spelled properly....

Jennifer, Patty, Caroline, Annnn and I headed to Starbucks after the cycling punishment where we met Courney, her cute son, and Lesley all geared up for Zumba! (Well except for Courney's son although he could have rocked the house). After coffee, Annnn made some lame excuse to skip out on Zumba but Debbie joined us so there were seven of us in class. We shimmied and marangaed with the best of them (at least in our own minds). Annnnn reappeared with a camera and tried to take some photos but apparently the women in between her and us were not happy with that idea. I have never laughed so much in a class as I do in Zumba. Gotta love it!

After Zumba, Patty, Debbie and Courtney headed to the pool for some laps while Jennifer, Caroline and I met Annnn and Beanie for yoga. Ahhhh... nothing like a nice relaxing yoga class to cool down from Zumba.

We all hooked back up again and headed out for our well deserved lunch and drinks. Annnn was allowed to take pictures at the restaurant. There are several with her but she refused to share. She's a bitch like that. Here's what she'd let me have:


Anonymous said...

Loved having the Bean there! Next week I'll bring the camera and get some pictures of Annn. I promise! We'll have to get her to Zumba too! JenniferS

Annn said...

I really do not like the direction this post has taken. If some attitude changes are not made, Annie Sparkles is coming in my place next week, and believe me when I say NO ONE wants that.

And I told you when Patty threw my camera across the room some photos were deleted.

Hugs and Kisses,

Unknown said...

Too much fun.