Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Long Run

I am so proud of myself today! I actually completed a long run - 10 miles at a 9:34 minute/mile average pace.

Frankly, the run didn't look promising. I was supposed to do my usual five miles with the Bean this morning, but she had a conflict and couldn't join me. I considered doing a long run on my own instead, then I proceeded to goof off for an inordinately long time. Finally, I propelled myself out the door and started running. The temperature was a balmy 57 degrees when I started so I really had no viable excuse.

Since I hadn't run in an entire week, my self-talk was to take it easy, go for the distance and not worry about the time. Another trick that I play on myself is to plan a route that doesn't go anywhere near my house so I can't weinie out and cut a run short.

One highlight of the run was my new Fuel Belt with four small water bottles. This is the first time I've used it, and it was great. Thank goodness the guy at 3Sports helped me with the fit because it was perfect. I filled three bottles with water and one with Accelerade. Next time, I will use more Accelerade. It also has a perfectly sized pouch that held my house key, a Gu, and my iPod shuffle.

The first five miles went pretty well and I started entertaining thoughts of a negative split. It didn't happen but I was pretty even on the second five as compared to the first five. I don't know that I could have gone another three but this run definitely built my confidence that I can be ready for the half marathon in March. If I work between now and then, that is!

Yea me!!!!


Annn said...

Yea you!!!

You may be DONE by the time the marathon even starts!

Anonymous said...

Atta girl! At least one of us is actually running. Zip, nada, zilch for me. Ah well, extra recovery time! xojodi

margo said...

you ROCK!! i'm curious about the fit of the fuel belt comment because i just got one too but didn't get any advice... did they say you should go loose or tight? rest on hips or waist?

Anonymous said...

Awesome run! I noticed a little extra pep in your Zumba steps today! JenniferS

mommy to 2, feels like 4. said...

Awesome! You are going to be soooo ready!!

TriGirl 40 said...

Wow - are you fast! What a great 10 miler run! Adding those last three miles will be nothing by race day!