Monday, February 4, 2008

Workout Week in Review

Oh my friends it was dismal last week... I keep saying that yet never improving. What I really mean by "dismal" is not enough time on the bike since that's what I really miss, but I was equally pathetic in other areas. Here goes. Read and laugh as you pass me the next time we race together.

Sunday: Nothing. I don't even remember what my lame excuse was so it must have been really bad. I seem to vaguely remember running errands in running clothes but never actually fitting in a run.

Monday: Weights class. Theoretically a good day to make up Sunday's run except the kids were out of school for the second Monday in a row. They were horrified that they had to actually go to school today. What?!?!?! School on a Monday? That's unheard of!

Tuesday: Ran with the Bean because she made me but only four miles and only at a 10:50 min/mi average pace.

Wednesday: Thank goodness for Jennifer dragging me out to exercise under the guise of social functions. We did Ed's cycling class and Zumba. And Kermit there will be no pictures! Much less video.

Thursday: Nothing. Sat on my fat ass most of the day in a car.

Friday: Nothing. Again wore running clothes all day but never ran due to the freezing cold constant rain. The idea of a treadmill at the gym flitted through my brain but never managed to stick long enough for me to actual transport myself there. On the bright side, I worked myself into an exausted stupor doing things around my house like carrying furniture up and down stairs. I felt like I worked out, especially my lower back.

Saturday: No actual workout but another full day of manual labor. Once again I fell exhausted into my bed at night. And oh yeah I snuck a little nap in the middle of the day.

And just to jump ahead to the disaster that the current week is shaping up to be, I didn't run yesterday (Sunday) either. This little Shamrock half marathon thing I have coming up will be a breeze; no need to train. Really.


Anonymous said...

your week sounds like mine. must have been something to do with moon's pull.

Unknown said...

Yeah, but you got the Best of Both Worlds!

We need photos!

TriGirl 40 said...

Consider this more of a recovery week - you are going to do awesome at Shamrock! You can always throw in a few Zumba moves if needed.