Saturday, January 19, 2008

Workout Week in Review

Oh it wasn't pretty, not at all. But here it is. Hopefully I will shame myself into doing a better job next week.

Sunday: Nothing. Recovered from the Bean's birthday bash!

Monday: Went to my usual weights class. Felt guilty for skipping the previous day's run and ran five miles with Beanie at a snail-like 10:56 min/mile average.

Tuesday: Revisited Pilates. I really need to work Pilates and yoga into my schedule more regularly.

Wednesday: Since I messed my schedule up by skipping Sunday's run, I had to do weights and running on Wednesday too. This time, Beanie and I ran further (6 miles) but slower (11:20 min/mile). We're going for distance, no?

Thursday: Ah, Thursday. Thursday is when I lost my shit at the Y. Not really, but I was angry. They gave away my spot in spin class and what's worse, got all snippy and tried to blame me for not leaving a phone number or being on time when in fact I was never asked for a phone number and I was early. I had to be satisfied with 45 minutes on the exercise bike in the fitness center. I wasn't satisfied a bit though.

Friday: Ran with the Bean, five miles at a week-top speed of 10:48. My speed is going to crap. But I've got that distance going for me.

Saturday: I was supposed to bike with my usual suspects but we all bailed based on reports of immanent snow fall. We finally got some flakes late in the day and I kicked myself for not going. So that's a long way of saying... I did nothing!

Fortunately, the workout week starts anew tomorrow and I will have the opportunity for redemption.


Anonymous said...

Want to cycle with us Wednesday morning and hang out? My week was worse than yours.... JenniferS

TriGirl 40 said...

I was kicking myself, too! I promise to be less of a chicken next time!!!

mommy to 2, feels like 4. said...

Your snail run, is my fast run.