Wednesday, March 5, 2008

You're not going to believe this...

... but I RAN on Sunday. Me. Running. On a weekend. Now that hasn't happened in awhile...

But you know I really don't think running twice a week is adequate preparation for a half marathon. I may actually fit three whole runs in this week, a scarce two weeks before the event. Sure, that's plenty of training. I'll be fine.

So. I procrastinated as long as I possibly could. I even convinced myself that attending a TriGirl seminar on race preparation was a good excuse to skip my run. And I even called Annnn and talked her into meeting me at said seminar. Then it was pointed out to me that I hadn't been home much all weekend and I realized that a race preparation seminar is not particularly valuable to someone who isn't even racing so I called Annnn back and bailed. You can imagine how pleased she will be with me and how little grief I will receive for that maneuver. And then I got my shit together (literally not metaphysically) and ran.

My Garmin will attest to the fact that I was completely unmotivated. The first half of my scheduled five mile run was at a none-so-speedy pace and included a 10 minute "rest stop" while I chatted with Cate. After berating myself for being a lame ass, I picked it up for the second half and had a huge negative split. I ran the last half mile under 8:00 pace which is smokin' for me. I must have subliminally had TG40's "shower nap wine" mantra in mind. Which in actuality was "feed the kids get them showered and collapse."

At least I looked really cute in my pink and blue running skirt. The one I've bitched about before because it doesn't have shorts underneath, just a bathing suit bottom looking thing. Very attractive. And I discovered, completely impractical. The fat on my legs rubbed together so badly that I literally look like I have rug burn. Chub rub, if you will. On my inner thighs. High on my inner thighs.

And Scouter thought I sucked for stealing his slippers. Wait 'till I have to explain this little debacle.


Unknown said...

You girls. Chub rub? Do you see me posting stuff like that? That's gonna be with me for awhile.

TriGirl 40 said...

Too funny - I just posted about a similar chub rub experience!

But, good gosh, under an 8 minute mile! You are FAST!