Monday, November 12, 2007

Workout Week In Review

Dang, I haven't blogged about workouts in a long time. Since that is the purported reason for this blog, let's wrap up last week, shall we?

(Notice the "dang." A girls gotta keep her PG rating, you know.)

Last week, I essentially returned to my pre-triathlon addiction workout schedule. And I felt like a big fat slacker.

Sunday: Nothing to see here. Ate a lot of Halloween candy. I did clean my closet, swap my summer and winter clothes, and took three bags of circa 80s clothing to Goodwill. Clearly, a long overdue task.

Monday: Weight class. The teacher I don't like taught but she didn't start with the small muscle groups like she usually does (calves before quads, biceps before pecs...) My butt and upper hammies were sore for days afterwards. Not weight training all summer really hurt my hamstring and upper body strength in particular. I have a lot of work to do this winter.

Tuesday: Ran 4.5 miles with Beanie at a fast clip (for us) of 9:54 min/mi. Solved the world's problems. Or at least b*tched about our own. And planned our fun evening in Charlottesville for the Police concert which caused us to run 1/2 mile further than planned. Good stuff.

Wednesday: Yoga. I had issues with personal space but otherwise enjoyed the class. I'm getting a little better since I've started going more regularly again.

Thursday: Ran 5 miles with the Bean. My Garmin battery wasn't charged so I don't have statistics. We planned our upcoming roadtrip and tailgate party for the Redskins game on Sunday.

Friday: I missed my weight class as I had a work function during lunch but I got to go biking with Richard later in the day. Yeah!!! We road a 20 mile RABA route to Ashland at 16.5 mph average. We hit a little rain and it started getting dark earlier than we anticipated, but it was still great to get out on my bike and to see Richard. Afterwards, I met Liz and Sharon for drinks in my lovely cycling clothes. No way would I go out in public in bike shorts if I didn't love those guys so much. Thank goodness I didn't see anyone else I know. I think I scared people.

Saturday: Squeaked in a 4 mile run by taking Rainbow with me. She biked beside me. We had lots of stops including one where she played on the playground while I ran around the parking lot three times. I did some speed work when she flew down hills then walked with her uphill. It wasn't much of a workout, but we had fun. Then we showered, ran some errands, and got pedicures at her suggestion. We now sport matching hot pink toes.

Sunday: Zero zip nada on the exercise front. Cocktails at the Skins game. Lots of sleep in the car on the way home.

I want to figure out a way to get more biking into my week. And I've actually even thought about maybe just possibly getting back into the pool. We'll see what happens...


TriGirl 40 said...

Your off season schedule is pretty motivating! Wow!

Missed you at the brunch - but sounds like you had fun at the game.

BTW - I LOVE that coat!

Unknown said...

Ride, ride, ride, we gotta ride. (BTW, that is a rip of a BTO tune). Got some winter riding stuff for my bday. :-)