Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Another kind of training...

Yesterday morning as I was upstairs getting ready for work, I heard Scouter in the kitchen, chatting away. The kids had already gone to school, so I knew he was talking to our new-to-us dog.

As I came downstairs, I teased him that he never chats with me that much in the morning.

His reply?

"I still have hope for training the dog. I gave up on you a long time ago."


Jon said...

Sounds like Scouter knows you well...

ShesAlwaysWrite said...

LOL! Sounds like the kind of thing Wonderful Husband would say to me. (At least once a day we're asking each other "what did you say" and one of us responds with "nothing, just talking to the dog.")

Anonymous said...

That one hit squarely on the chin.
Smart man to admit it....xojo