Friday, August 10, 2007

Workout Update

Okay while I still have some small chance of remembering what I did this week... here's my workout log:

Monday: Ran 60 minutes (hopefully around 6 miles)

Tuesday: Biked 18 miles, 17.1 mph average speed - brutal ride with lots of traffic where I almost got hit by a truck

Wednesday: Ran 4 miles, 8:54 minutes/mile average in humid hot conditions

Thursday: Swam maybe close to a mile in my friend's tiny pool - I assumed that it was 12 meters and called 128 freakin lengths a mile

Friday: Biked 12 miles 17.3 mph in a downpour, ran 3 miles 8:57 minutes/mile average

I'm done until I get back to Richmond!!!!


REB60 said...

Welcome back!

TriGirl 40 said...

I am so impressed with your workout routine while you are on vacation.

BTW - You've been tagged - check out the details on my blog.