Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Recovery Week

( Here's a different view of my favorite race picture ever.)

I've been resting on my laurels after my prolific Luray race report... guess I need to post again! And um maybe even work out again too...
I have to say I really love recovery week. It's much better than taper week because it doesn't include any worry or preparation. And perhaps I'm just lazy and last week gave me the opportunity to indulge.

Grandison's advice was to return to workouts in the same order as triathlon. I swam 1600 meters on Tuesday, biked 12 miles on Wednesday, and ran 4 miles on Thursday. Every other day was a rest/recovery day. Love it!

Friday, Jackie and Patti dragged me kicking and screaming to the RTC open water swim on the James River. There was a big crowd including lots of other awesome TriGirls. We simulated a group start then swam 16 minutes out, turned around and swam back. I didn't have a watch and started looking for people turning around probably five minutes in. I didn't panic this time and was able to swim freestyle pretty much the entire way, except when I was sighting. I tended to veer toward the middle of the river regardless of which direction I was swimming. Guess I need to work on swimming straight without the benefit of lane lines.

My next event is Heart of Virginia, so Saturday I had to step it up and do some cycling. Richard and I planned to meet at West Creek to do Cyndi's 30 mile loop. Kermit, Patti, and TriGirl40 joined us (yea!!!).

I should have realized Cyndi can't be trusted when she said the Luray cycling course was "nice." Not the description I would have chosen... (Just kidding, girlfriend!) Anyway, Cyndi's course out of West Creek was pretty hilly, but also a lot of fun mainly because I was with a great group. We ended up deviating from the course and riding east on Broad Street to get back. At one point, we saw a sign that said "Richmond 23 miles." I thought that was pretty cool, to be that far out on a bike and still feel like I could get home. Of course, we weren't really that far away but still.

Saturday afternoon, we went to the river with Beanie and Cate and families; Sunday, Scouter and I hosted a baby shower for his sister Amy and Monday Cate and I hosted a back-to-school breakfast for teachers and staff at my kids' elementary school, so those events kept me pretty busy. Monday afternoon, I went back to the weights class at the Y that I love. Sadly, it doesn't love me anymore after a summer of neglect and I am sore today. In a good way though and I totally deserve the abuse. Maybe it will remind me to be more consistent. Today, Beanie and I ran four miles at a slow jog around our neighborhood. I didn't clock our speed because my Garmin wasn't charged. We did a fairly hilly route.

'K, I'm all caught up. Next time, I'll try to come up with something more interesting - promise!

P.S. Does anyone else spend FAR too much time futzing around with blogger posts to make the paragraphs space properly?!? Sooo annoying...

1 comment:

TriGirl 40 said...

LOL, yes, I am another anal blogger who wants a consistent font style to all my posts. Even if I have no idea how to accomplish it! BTW - the Heart of Virginia weekend is looking very tempting..