Saturday, December 30, 2006

Happy New Year!

What a party weekend! I just finished making spinach balls to take to an Eve of New Year's Eve party that we are co-hosting tonight. (See, my effort to focus more on fruits and vegtables is working!) Tonight is also the Peach Bowl, where my and my husband's alma mater, Va. Tech, will hopefully dominate Georgia. I have been hydrating today as though I have a race tomorrow, just in case I don't behave quite as well as I intend to.

Tomorrow night for actual New Year's Eve, we are having two families over for dinner and a celebration of Corinne's birthday. There will be six adults and six kids who all get along great - these are the families we vacation with in the summer. I'm making dinner - winter salad with cranberries, roquefort, and port wine dressing and linguini with chicken a la bechemel. I made the pasta dish today and it looks fabulous. All I have to do tomorrow is toss the salad, put the pasta in the oven, and heat a loaf of garlic bread. Plus whip up a batch of peppermint martinis!

Today was my rest day in my training schedule. I probably shouldn't have taken it since I didn't work out Monday or Tuesday, but I was so busy with party preparations that I did anyway. Tomorrow, I am supposed to run in the morning with Masha. She is coming to the party tonight, so perhaps I can convince her of a later start time.

I am registered for my first race of 2007! TriGirls are forming teams for the Monument Avenue 10k on March 31, and I am going to be on one. It will be fun to run with a sea of TriGirl pink! This race is usually tough because it is cold leading up to it, then invariably, race day will be the first really warm day of the year. I registered with a time of 55 minutes but I am really hoping to run it in less. That should keep me motivated to clock some fast training runs. Maybe tomorrow, Masha and I will go to the track for some mile repeats. We've never done that before, but we both want to improve our speed.

My new bathing suit and waterproof MP3 player shipped yesterday - maybe there will be some laps in my future next week...

Cheers, everyone, and Happy New Year!