Friday, December 22, 2006

Thoughts About 2007 and other ramblings

Some of my TriGirl friends checked out my blog - thanks! They inspire me every day with their fitness and dedication through their own blogs which are linked on the side of this one. A team from TriGirls including three of our fabulous coaches is training for Ironman Florida in November, 2007, which absolutely blows me away. I can't imagine doing one of the activities at the distances required in Ironman competition, much less stringing all three together. I would love to be part of their cheering committee. That's as close to Ironman as I may ever get! You ladies are awesome!

I've been thinking a lot about my own 2007 goals lately. Here's what I'm bouncing around:

  • Maintain an appropriate balance of training/exercise and family time.
  • Continue with TriGirls. Get to know the team better and have fun!
  • Improve strength, form, and speed on the bike. Goal: 18 mph average speed over 20 mile distance.
  • Improve run form and increase speed to 8:15 minute miles over 10k distance.
  • Be more consistent with swim and bike workouts - 1x/week minimum swim; 2x/week minimum bike.
  • Strength train 2x/week for one hour each.
  • Yoga or pilates 1x/week for 45 minutes.

I've also been trying to decide what races I will do next year. I'm not a big race girl so the list I posted to the right is extensive for me. By comparison, in 2006 I did the Monument 10k, Army 10 miler, ACAC sprint tri, and Ntelos 8k. In 2005, I think I only did one 5k for breast cancer awareness. I signed up for the Monument 10k but couldn't do it because I was injured, and signed up for the Ntelos 8k but blew it off to go to New York City for my college roommate's surprise 40th birthday party.

My "A" races will be the MS bike ride in June and the Naylors Beach Olympic Tri in August. Both will be extending distances and pushing limits for me. I think I have an aerobics mind set - after an hour, I'm done! The Army 10 miler and the Sprint Tri were big deals for me in 2006.

I'd like my husband to do the MS bike ride with me in June. Shhh, don't tell, but I'm getting him a bike for Christmas. He rode mine fairly regularly last summer and really seemed to enjoy it. Now, my hope is that we will be able to ride together! We'll have to get a babysitter to do it for now but eventually the kids will be able to ride with us.

My children (ages 5 & 6) were so excited watching Mommy's tri in the fall that they want to do their own. There is a kids tri over Memorial Day weekend that they're going to do. It is 50 meters in the pool, kickboard optional, 2.5 mile bike, and 0.5 mile run. They keep asking me when they start training. I do want to take them up to a track to run. I feel good that I have set a good example for them.

I'll think more about my goals and races and post a final summary soon...