Sunday, June 29, 2008

Workout Week in Review

Turns out I've got at least one more of these in me after all - I have to post about last week not because there were stellar workouts or even good quantity, but for me it was an epic week. Check the workout start times in particular - astonishing. I am not a morning person.

With work, traveling for work, grad school, and my kids being out of school for the summer, I have had a really hard time fitting in any workouts. Quite literally, the week before this past week, I ran one time... and that was it. For the entire week. Pathetic, I know. As evidenced by the fact that my stomach is sticking out further than my boobs. Not that that takes much. But I digress...

Without further ado, here's my exercise report for last week.

Sunday: Nothing. I didn't say it was a great week.

Monday: I met Megan at 6 a.m. and we biked through Goochland - 18 miles, 17.5 mph average speed. That's lightening for me lately given my limited cycling. Once we got moving, I was really glad to be up that early, and of course it was great to catch up with Megan. We were pretty even last fall and she's smoking me now but I'm okay with that.

Tuesday: I met the Bean at 7 a.m. for a run. To be completely factual, I woke up at 7:01, raced downstairs to let the Bean know I was awake, raced back upstairs to throw on running clothes and swish some toothpaste through my mouth, then I met the Bean to run at about 7:05. We ran three miles together before she headed to a tennis match; I ran another two on my own. My average pace was something like 9:40 min/mile, negative split.

Wednesday: Flush with the success of my Monday ride, I committed to another 6 a.m. ride with TG40. Too late to back out now! We rode River Road from Patterson to Cary and back with a detour through a gorgeous neighborhood for a total of 21 miles, 17.0 average speed. I totally slowed TG40 down but she was her normal wonderful self and let me draft and hang on for dear life. Again, I was glad I pried my fat ass out of bed to do it.

Thursday: Beanie and I met for a 7 a.m. run, but this time she overslept. We got going about 7:15 and ran four miles in muggy weather. We were slow - about 11 min/mile, but we were chatting the whole time and that raises our heart rate, right?

Friday: Nothing. I didn't even pretend to myself that I would attempt anything.

Saturday: I had an early class for school but I set my alarm for 5:45 to get in a few miles beforehand. My alarm went off but the volume was set so low that I didn't hear it for 20 minutes, at which point I didn't have time to run. Do I get points for effort? My waistline says no.

I'm exhausted since in addition to these early morning workouts, I was up late every night working on two group projects, one individual project, and six papers. My speed-semester of grad school is over and I have the month of July blessedly off. I'm hoping to get myself on a more consistent schedule and fit some weight training in (my favorite).

Perhaps I will have more to write about next week...

But don't count on it.

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