Tuesday, July 1, 2008

I forgot the best part!

So TriGirl40 and I biked last Wednesday morning - great ride, amazing company, beautiful morning - and as we were nearing the end, this old guy on a bike popped out of a side street. He was stopped but when he saw us coming, he jumped on his bike and cut literally right in front of us. We looked at each other and rolled our eyes. A few seconds later, we zipped past him and I must admit, we chuckled to ourselves.

"What a jerk," TG40 thought.

"What a jackass," I said. (She's much nicer than me, you know.)

Well lo and behold, a few miles later, Old Guy passed us. I was annoyed. I pedaled with all my might but I have to admit that Old Guy kicked my ass on the hills. "I'd love to pass him," I called back to TG40.

She pulled up beside me with a mischievous grin. "Shall we?" she inquired.

"Do it!" I replied, knowing full well that she could take him and that I'd been holding her back for the entire ride.

The words were not even all the way out of my mouth before she had bridged half the distance between us and him. Mere moments later, she streaked past him like a blur. I chuckled to see his neck jerk around from my vantage point.

You go, girl!


Anonymous said...

Yes, she's awesome! I felt like Old Guy as she blew by me on the bike in the Tavern race Sunday! JenniferS

Fave said...

no that's true TG fasion. we may be women, and we may wear pink - but we are sassy! so don't mess! (insert evil laugh)

Fave said...


TriGirl 40 said...

TriDi is being way too modest. She forgot to mention how she pulled me up the few hills so my legs were rested for teaching an old dog some new tricks.

And Jennifer - I only had to bike - you did the whole race!