Saturday, June 7, 2008

The rest of the story...

Several of you have emailed asking who Thomas is. Oddly, I wasn't able to generate any arousal from the man himself...

If you'll excuse the double entendre.

And yes I'm aware that my PG rating is in serious jeopardy of late.

Anyway, Thomas is Annnn's husband. He has an annoying tendency to keep her from me.

Take last Thursday for example. We were supposed to cycle. It was an extremely hot day and I was not excited about the prospect. My car had been in the shop causing me to have to take my bike rack off. So I got home, hot and grumpy, debated cancelling but finally changed into my cycling attire, struggled to reconnect my bike rack, loaded up my gear and headed out to meet Annnn. Just as I was pulling into the parking lot at our meeting spot, she called to tell me she couldn't come because Thomas wasn't home to watch the kids.

Some other girls were riding a long hilly route that afternoon so I opted to stay in West Creek to ride safely by myself. I did two loops for 14 miles at a fairly decent clip for me, 17.5 mph. Then I intended to run 3-4 miles, but 1.5 miles in I bagged it. It was unbelievably hot. Melissa drove by as I was finishing my run and sweetly suggested that I was nuts. Seriously, it was in the upper 90s.

On the bright side, had I not expected to meet Annnn, I would not have exercised at all.

But I still think Thomas owes me a drink.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Sounds like he owes you a keg of ice cold water :-)