Thursday, June 26, 2008

Mommy of the Year

This is a new feature I'm introducing at blog 'o TriDi, potentially replacing the nearly defunct Workout Week in Review. Turns out Kermit isn't interested if I'm not posting Zumba updates.

My sweet baby Taz celebrated his birthday recently (and yes, I owe updates on that and many many other things). For his birthday, that child raked in some cash. He had a hard time deciding whether he wanted to buy a guitar or an iPod. I steered him towards the iPod Shuffle, and just like Mommy, he loaded it up with Nickleback tunes.

I've got to tell you there is nothing that warms a mother's heart quite like seeing your eight year old son walking around with headphones belting out lyrics about cheap drugs and Playboy bunnies.

I am a Rockstar.


Annn said...

You are going to have some stiff competition for that award, my friend.

TriGirl 40 said...

LOL - I can't wait to ready the trials and tribulations of the Mommy of the Year features!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to read more either! And I agree with Annn -- being a TriGirl and a Mom automatically throws you into the ring for the MOTY award! JenniferS