Tuesday, August 11, 2009

*&^% I'm Lazy

I am out of town on a business trip.

You'd think with my normally crazy schedule that I would be estatic to have some quiet time. But I'm lonely and I miss my babies.

This afternoon, I could have chosen to go for a run or to check out the hotel fitness center. Instead, I did some work (good), goofed off on the Internet (fair), and watched a biography of Suzanne Sommers on TV (very very bad).

Can someone please give me a big fat motivating kick in the ass?!?!?!?!
Update: No I didn't get off my fat ass on Wednesday BUT I did run on Thursday morning. One of my co-workers "used to be a runner" - took me out and schooled me. The good news? I ran 4 miles at 8:47 min/mi average pace and didn't die, so I am still able to run.

When I absolutely have to, that is.

However, I haven't done a damn thing since.


TriGirl 40 said...

Come back home and bike with us!!!!

Dave said...

You should get out and do something since you missed the ride last night AND tomorrow morning!

I was able to gather a total of three people for the ride tomorrow. I obviously don't have the "star power" that you have ;)