Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Happy Birthday, Baby!!!

This morning, I celebrated Scouter's birthday by getting up at 5:15 to go on a bike ride at 5:45. That's AM peeps.

Yes I'm crazy. And yes it was dark. Not that this post is about my ride, but it was also very fun - Kathryn, TG40 and Dave's posse crew member Rob joined me for the madness. Rob filled in for Dave and traded the lead to pull me through 18 miles. At a whopping 19.2 mph average pace. (And Dave I know you don't believe me but that pace is corroborated by TG40 who clocked 19.28). Sweet!

But anyway, back to Scouter's birthday...

Tonight he celebrated by playing tennis. I've been teasing him about choosing to spend his birthday with sweaty men instead of me.

I guess that's what happens when you've been married for 19 3/4 years and have known each other since before dirt was invented.

But I'm surprising him with dinner (pepper pasta and salad), wine (Veritas reserve), and cake (Brewster's mint chocolate chip ice cream) when he gets home.

He can only avoid me for so long.


TriGirl 40 said...

Hope Scouter had a wonderful birthday - his birthday dinner sounded wonderful.

And GREAT ride!

TriGirl 40 said...

Send me those recipes!