Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Fastest ride EVAH

So apparently Dave took my last post about cycling 19.2 with TG40, Kathryn and Rob as a challenge. I don't think TG40 and Kathryn kicking ass bothered him actually. His own posse member Rob on the other hand...

Last night, Dave, Steve and I met for a ride through Goochland. I was whining about how exhausted and sore I was from a weekend at the lake and waterskiing, and Dave mentioned that his legs were tired from riding Sat and Sun. We started out fairly slowly, chatting and spinning.

Four or five miles into the ride, we had worked up to a pretty brisk pace and passed two guys on a back road.

To digress - one of those guys was fully kitted out, but riding in a cloth cycling hat instead of a helmet. I very badly wanted to tell him to wear a helmet but somehow managed to resist. It wasn't easy.

Anyway, as soon as we blew past them, the two guys jumped on our wheels. That was all the challenge any of us needed. We took off. Then they started leap frogging us.

By mile 12, Dave reported that we were averaging 20 mph.

The other guys turned and we decided to add a loop through West Creek to hit our usual 18 miles. I have to admit that my legs were jelly by the time we hit the Farm Bureau hill.

We still finished with 19.6 mph average.

Dave says next stop 20.


TriGirl 40 said...

You are super speedy! Love that you guys are pushing it. I want to climb on board for the next stop, too!

Anonymous said...

OK, I won't be joining you guys anymore. Too speedy for me! Good work though!