Monday, September 29, 2008


My life of late has shrunken to include only school and work. It is fairly tedious. I get up, get the kids ready for school and on the bus, go to work, help the kids with their homework, go to school or to a team meeting to work on homework… and that’s about it.

But suddenly a ray of sunshine entered my life. Not really, because it has been cold and rainy here the last two days. But metaphorically, my world got brighter on Wednesday when I met some of my TriGirlfriends for lunch. I miss those girls.

We were a small but rowdy group and somehow as lunch wore on, more and more tables around us became vacated. Lest you think the restaurant was just emptying, let me assure you that was not the case. We were at an island surrounded by empty tables with an outer ring of all full tables.

One man who inexplicably pulled his table very close to ours learned more than he ever wanted to know about breast feeding.

I had fun dinner plans Wednesday night too. All the women in my graduate program, two of our professors and several women from previous classes went to dinner. I think I must have carried some TriGirl mojo with me because this group was pretty rowdy too and we closed the place down. After we drank all their wine.

It was a good day and reminded me that I need to lift my head every now and then to reconnect with the people I love and plan some fun with the people I spend a lot of suffer time with.

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